Driving license courses

More than just driving lessons

Getting your license is not just passing an exam.

Lessons throughout the course lead you to adopt a responsible approach to driving. From observation techniques, through behavior on the road to ecological driving, you will develop good skills in controlling your vehicle.

Which courses for my license?

Depending on the category chosen and the one (s) you already have, the list of courses may vary. The ASA’s online tool will help you.

Discover the license in 2 phases and our courses for categories A / A1 / A35 / B below.

Photo cours premiers secours

First Aid

The first aid (or samaritan) course allows you to be able to provide first aid to an injured person and to know how to secure the surrounding area in various emergency situations; both on the road and elsewhere.

Photo cours de sensibilisation

Compulsory theory course

Develop a sense of driving around all traffic stakeholders, including the driver and his vehicle in the face of the environment and potential dangers, in order to adopt defensive and responsible driving.

Motorcycle courses

Learn the techniques of handling your motorcycle or scooter in specific situations, such as emergency braking, low speed, eight, slalom … and invite you to drive more safely and defensively.

Cours de conduite - Auto-école Wagner

Car Practice

Put into practice the theory covered in the various courses and gain the necessary practical driving experience. Train good behavior, maneuvers and prepare for what will be expected during the practical test.

Private courses

Courses or services for all specific requests: initiation on 2 wheels, preparation for practical car / motorcycle exams, motorcycle / scooter handling at the seller, etc …

Phase 2 course

La journée de cours a pour but d’améliorer la capacité des participants à prévoir les situations dangereuses de la circulation et à les éviter.